My Journey


During adolescence I worked through my own struggle with my relationship with food. I viewed health and happiness as a state I could achieve by making myself smaller, and my life quickly became powered by food rules, rigidity, and restriction. My self-compassion and acceptance plummeted as I struggled to obtain unrealistic ideals and expectations. I was on a downward spiral of disconnection from my needs and wants, and found myself surrounded by feelings of shame and guilt.

My recovery journey gave me my life back as I focused on the basics. By nourishing my roots and relearning how to listen to my internal wisdom I found peace with food. Letting go of rigid rules and following an intuitive eating approach healed my broken relationship with food and my body. I was able to find pleasure in eating, rebuild trust with my body, and not tie my worth to a number on the scale.

To me, well-being is multifaceted and should honor each individual’s whole self. My experience and personal journey is what inspires me to help others create a peaceful relationship with food and live a fully nourished life.

Pieces of Me

  • Things that nourish my soul include spending time in nature, listening to music, traveling, and reading

  • Autumn is my favorite season, and every year I look forward to the changing leaves

  • My favorite foods are pizza, hummus, and ice cream

  • I have a chocolate lab-mix adventure buddy named Oliver

My Philosophy and Therapeutic Style

I am truly passionate about living a fully nourished life that is free of food rules and restriction.

In 2019, I began Fully Nourished Nutrition to help others overcome food and body struggles on their journey to nourishment. It is my mission to help others disconnect from the external noise of mainstream media and diet culture, so they can honor the inner wisdom that’s rooted within and nourish their well-being

as a whole - mind, body, and spirit.

I believe in providing weight-neutral and inclusive care that utilizes a strength-based,

authentic, and collaborate approach.

Nourished & Whole

Flexibility & Freedom

Honor & Trust

Andrea’s Credentials and Professional Experience

Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from Ohio University

Dietetic Internship completed at Mount Carmel College of Nursing

Master of Science in Food Service and Nutrition from Colorado State University

Licensed Dietitian through the Ohio State Medical Board

Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor

Health At Every Size® (HAES) and Body Positive advocate/ally

Member of the International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals

Practicing as a Registered Dietitian since 2013 with experience in general inpatient medical nutrition therapy, inpatient center for eating disorders and severe malnutrition, and outpatient settings

EDRD Pro Member Badge


Guest Speaker / Presenter

  • Redefining Recovery: Navigating Chronic Health Conditions within the HAES® Framework - Eating Disorder Foundation (2020)

  • Nurturing a Peaceful Relationship with Food - Maryland Elementary Mental Health Fair (2024)